How to focus on quality of life before it's too late, Part 2

At Carte Clinics our goal isn't just to administer blood tests. If we're going to make you healthier, we're going to empower your all-in striving on the parts of yourself you know matter most.

Self esteem.

Easy to say, incredibly hard to change.

But self esteem is foundational: really nothing is sound without it. If you want to be good to other people, or to produce good work, if you want to have peace that you lived your life well, it’s going to be hard without believing in yourself.

Self esteem can’t be bullshitted. Nice clothes don’t give you self esteem if you know you’re covering up something you’re ashamed of that you’re afraid to face. “To have self esteem, you must do esteemable acts.”

Facing your flaws and working on them is incredibly inspiring to people around them - we are usually our harshest critics, and when we find the strength to be better, we’re usually cheered on from all directions. In this way, high self esteem is a positive feedback loop (and low self esteem is a negative one).

What does this have to do with the medical system? The way you get medical care can either be in service of your self-esteem, or be you outsourcing your self-esteem (and personal responsibility).

When you have self-esteem and energy to invest in yourself, you will tell any doctors trying to shill you quick fixes, no thank you. You have pride in yourself and your body, and by taking good care of it yourself, of course you will hold doctors and the medical system to do the same.

You can politely tell a doctor saying your symptoms are nothing that… they are not nothing (and also be open to hear a doctor making a good case why you shouldn’t be worried, or why going without further testing is sometimes the right path).

When you have self-esteem, you strive for excellence in yourself – BUT NOT FOR PERFECTION. These are very different orientations and change framing around diseases you get diagnosed with, risks and complications which are part of life, and the realities of incomplete healing.

Your dedication to own and fix your problems will change the mindset of those around you to help get you there.

When you’re in a good place with yourself, your strength puts other people in a better place. This happens in every aspect of your life, including your medical care.

At Carte Clinics, we commit you to face the things you’re not happy about in yourself. We don’t silence alarms you sound to yourself or ignore self-destructive behaviors like overworking and consuming for distraction.

Our goal isn't just to administer blood tests. If we're going to make you healthier, we're going to empower your all-in striving on the parts of yourself you know matter most.

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